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发布时间: 2024-03-05 浏览次数: 1137


主要从事多发性骨髓瘤的发病机制、病理研究与药物靶点发现研究。主持南京中医药大学特聘教授配套项目1项,参与1项国家重点研发计划课题和多项国家自然科学基金面上项目。以第一及共同一作身份在Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy、Engineering、Molecular Cancer、Journal of Hematology & Oncology、Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research等国际知名期刊发表SCI论文8篇,其中5篇单篇影响因子大于10分,单篇最高影响因子为39.3分。


1. X. Tang, M. Guo, P. Ding, Z. Deng, M. Ke, Y. Yuan, Y. Zhou, Z. Lin, M. Li, C. Gu, X. Gu, Y. Yang. BUB1B and circBUB1B_544aa aggravate multiple myeloma malignancy through evoking chromosomal instability, Signal transduction and targeted therapy 6(1) (2021) 361. (中科院医学一区,IF: 39.3)

2.X. Tang, Z. Deng, P. Ding, W. Qiang, Y. Lu, S. Gao, Y. Hu, Y. Yang, J. Du, C. Gu. A novel protein encoded by circHNRNPU promotes multiple myeloma progression by regulating the bone marrow microenvironment and alternative splicing, Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR 41(1) (2022) 85. (中科院医学一区, IF: 11.3)

3. X. Tang, H. Ren, M. Guo, J. Qian, Y. Yang, C. Gu. Review on circular RNAs and new insights into their roles in cancer. Comput Struct Biotechnol J. 2021 Jan 22;19:910-928. (中科院医学二区, IF: 6.0,被 web of science 标注为高被引论文)

4. F. Jiang, X. Tang(co-first author), C. Tang, Z. Hua, M. Ke, C. Wang, J. Zhao, S.Gao, A. Jurczyszyn, S. Janz, M. Beksac, F. Zhan, C. Gu, Y. Yang. HNRNPA2B1 promotes multiple myeloma progression by increasing AKT3 expression via m6Adependent stabilization of ILF3 mRNA, Journal of hematology & oncology 14(1),(2021) 54. (中科院医学一区, IF: 28.5)

5. C. Gu, W. Wang, X. Tang(co-first author), T. Xu, Y. Zhang, M. Guo, R. Wei, Y. Wang, A. Jurczyszyn, S. Janz, M. Beksac, F. Zhan, A. Seckinger, D. Hose, J. Pan, Y. Yang. CHEK1 and circCHEK1_246aa evoke chromosomal instability and induce bone lesion formation in multiple myeloma, Molecular cancer 20(1) (2021) 84. (中科院医学一区, IF: 37.3)

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