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发布时间: 2024-03-05 浏览次数: 1294


长期从事表观转录组学(RNA修饰)生物信息学研究,研究方法包括多组学数据与疾病关联分析,高通量测序数据处理与管线搭建,机器学习,以及数据库的开发等。近5年已发表SCI研究论文27篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者发表论文12篇,发表期刊包括《Nucleic Acids Research》,《Nature Communications》,《Bioinformatics》,《Briefings in Bioinformatics》,及中国科技期刊卓越行动重点期刊《Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics》等。相关工作多次受到Springer Nature邀请,撰写研究方案收录在Methods in Molecular Biology系列图书中。担任SCI期刊Genes客座编辑,Frontiers系列审稿编辑,以及《Briefings in Bioinformatics》、《Molecular Therapy》等领域内重点期刊邀请审稿人。主持南京中医药大学特聘教授科研经费。


1.Wang, X. #, Zhang, Y. #, Chen, K. #, Liang, Z., Ma, J., Xia, R., de Magalhaes, J.P., Rigden, D.J., Meng, J. and Song, B.* m7GHub V2.0: an updated database for decoding the N7-methylguanosine (m7G) epitranscriptome. Nucleic Acids Research, 2024, 52 (D1), D203-D212 (IF:14.9)

2.Song, B.#, Wang, X.#, Liang, Z.#, Ma, J.#, Huang, D., Wang, Y., Magalhães, J.P.d., Rigden, D.J., Meng, J., Liu, G.*, Chen, K.* and Wei, Z.* RMDisease V2.0: an updated database of genetic variants that affect RNA modifications with disease and trait implication. Nucleic Acids Research, 2023, 51 (D1), D1388-D1396 (IF:19.16)

3.Song, B., Huang, D., Zhang, Y., Wei, Z., Su, J., Magalhães, J.P.d., Rigden, D.J., Meng, J. and Chen, K.* m6A-TSHub: Unveiling the Context-specific m6A Methylation and m6A-affecting Mutations in 23 Human Tissues. Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 2023, 21(4), 678-694 (封面文章;IF:9.5)

4.Song, B.#, Chen, K.#, Tang, Y.#, Wei, Z., Su, J., Magalhães, J.P.d., Rigden, D.J. and Meng, J.* ConsRM: Collection and large-scale prediction of the evolutionarily conserved RNA methylation sites, with implications for the functional epitranscriptome. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021, 22 (6), bbab088, 1-17 (IF:11.622)

5.Song, B.#, Tang, Y.#, Chen, K.*, Wei, Z., Rong, R., Lu, Z., Su J., Magalhães, J.P.d., Rigden, D.J. and Meng, J. m7GHub: deciphering the location, regulation and pathogenesis of internal mRNA N7-methylguanosine (m7G) sites in human. Bioinformatics, 2020, 36 (11), 3528-3536 (IF:5.61)

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